On Tuesday, February 20th, 2024, the Maryland General Assembly's Judiciary Committee held a meeting to discuss several bills, including HB1062 from Delegate Lesley Lopez. This bill would criminalize the non-consensual distribution of digitally altered or generated sexually explicit images, with provisions for victim protection, penalties for offenders, and respect for free speech rights.
The Center for AI Policy's Executive Director, Jason Green-Lowe, testified in support of HB1062 at the committee meeting. A video of the testimony is available here (starting at 4:25:05), and a text copy is available here.
New research from METR reveals AI’s ability to independently complete tasks is accelerating rapidly.
Congress can rein in Big Tech, and specifically address one of our biggest threats, Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Attending RightsCon, the world’s leading summit on human rights in the digital age.