The Center for AI Policy (CAIP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information on the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. We strongly support the proposed amendment to implement section 1655(a) and (c) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019. These sections prohibit the Department of Defense (DoD) from acquiring products, services, or systems relating to information or operational technology, cybersecurity, industrial control systems, or weapon systems through a contract unless the offeror or contractor provides disclosures related to sharing source code and computer code with foreign governments. We also endorse specific clauses, such as the open-source exclusion and changes from the 2019 NDAA that expand disclosures from governments of countries of concern to any foreign person or government.
We highlight two limitations to this amendment.
Finally, we provide the following recommendations.
Read the full comment here.
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